2006 Jersey Shore Tourism
Advertising Programs
Thank you for visiting our Advertising opportunities page! Today, more and more people are using the web and they find sites just like this one to reach businesses like yours. With many website directories out there, how would you know which ones are the most effective and will give you maximum exposure for your advertising dollars?
If you found this website by entering a search term or search phrase in one of the popular search engines, chances are the term or phrase you used to land here may have also been the same one that your potential customers are using to find your business!
NJ MetroNET works hard to keep our websites ranked high in search engines and directories, and if you are satisfied with the results that brought you here, please review our programs and call us at 732-316-1095. We have helped many businesses increase their website traffic trough our programs and we'd be glad to help you too!
General Listing Advertisement
- Listing will be located on your category page
- Includes your Business Name linked to your website, Full Address and Phone Number, 25 Word Description optimized for search engines, and Your Logo - also linked to your website
- Your potential customers will be able to find your listing with ease
- Great for traffic building and developing a web presence!
Only $249/YEAR!
Boxed Display Advertisement
- Graphical Display Ad in right hand margin of any page of this website or any page within our advertising network* (except Home pages**)
- Links to your website
- 120 x 90 pixels with graphic and text of your choice
- Give yourself the extra edge over your competitors!

Only $395/YEAR!
Half-Banner DISPLAY Advertisement
- Graphical Display Ad on top of any page of this website or any page within our advertising network* (except Home pages**)
- Links to your website
- 234 x 60 pixels with graphic and text of your choice
- For businesses that are competitive and MUST "show up on top"!

Only $495/YEAR
Full Banner DISPLAY Advertisement
- Graphical Display Ad on top of any page of this website or any page within our advertising network* (except Home pages**)
- Links to your website
- 460 x 60 pixels with graphic and text of your choice
- For businesses that are competitive and MUST "show up on top"!

Only $695/YEAR
Skyscraper DISPLAY AdvertiSement
- Graphical Display Ad in right hand margin of any page of this website or any page within our advertising network* (except Home pages**)
- Links to your website
- 120 x 240-600 pixels with graphic and text of your choice
- Visitors cannot miss your ad, and it comes in a variety of sizes for you to choose from!
Sample on right >>
Starts at only $895/YEAR
premium content DISPLAY ad (Medium Rectangle)
- Graphical Display Ad placed directly in the content area of any content page (excludeing business directory paages) of this website or any page within our advertising network* (except Home pages**)
- Links to your website
- 300 x 250 pixels with graphic and text of your choice
- Relate the content of the page you choose to advertise on directly to your marketing plan!
- Flash can be added for an attractive effect (extra fee applies)
- This ad can only appear on content pages (any page excluding business directory pages)
- This ad can be placed by the month! Great for events, special promotions, new products or grand openings, or for the release of timely information!!
Only $149/MONTH
Click HERE to have a representative contact you!
* Ad prices apply to any website in the Jersey Shore Network which include:
VIRTUAL NJ SHORE - www.virtualnjshore.com
- POINT PLEASANT BEACH - pointpleasantbeach.com
- SEASIDE HEIGHTS - seasideheights.net
- Long Beach Island (Coming Soon!)
- Ocean City Area (Coming Soon!)
- The Wildwoods (Coming Soon!)
** Please call our office at (732) 316-1095 for current home page advertising rates, as they vary across our network
- All ads are for a period of 1 year (except monthly Premium ads)
- Space may be limited. All Dispaly ad space is offered on a "first come, first served basis".
- General Listing ads are listed alphabetically according to location - from North to South.
- NJ MetroNET, Inc./Shore Advantage reserves the right to modify rates at anytime without notice.
- Add $50 for animations and $200 for Flash? displays
- NO reciprocal links accepted at this time
We encourage all of our advertisers to have a website statistics program running in order to track the amount of traffic your website is receiving, as well as learning which websites are working for you! Check with your Web Administrator or hosting company for details.
Ask us about our website design and hosting programs - specially discounted for all Jersey Shore tourism related businesses!!
Call 732-316-1095 Today!